from import resnet34
Dynamic UNet
Unet model using PixelShuffle ICNR upsampling that can be built on top of any pretrained architecture
UnetBlock (up_in_c, x_in_c, hook, final_div=True, blur=False, act_cls=<class 'torch.nn.modules.activation.ReLU'>, self_attention=False, init=<function kaiming_normal_>, norm_type=None, ks=3, stride=1, padding=None, bias=None, ndim=2, bn_1st=True, transpose=False, xtra=None, bias_std=0.01, dilation:Union[int,Tuple[int,int]]=1, groups:int=1, padding_mode:str='zeros', device=None, dtype=None)
A quasi-UNet block, using PixelShuffle_ICNR upsampling
ResizeToOrig (mode='nearest')
Merge a shortcut with the result of the module by adding them or concatenating them if dense=True
DynamicUnet (encoder, n_out, img_size, blur=False, blur_final=True, self_attention=False, y_range=None, last_cross=True, bottle=False, act_cls=<class 'torch.nn.modules.activation.ReLU'>, init=<function kaiming_normal_>, norm_type=None, **kwargs)
Create a U-Net from a given architecture.
= resnet34()
m = nn.Sequential(*list(m.children())[:-2])
m = DynamicUnet(m, 5, (128,128), norm_type=None)
tst = cast(torch.randn(2, 3, 128, 128), TensorImage)
x = tst(x)
y 2, 5, 128, 128]) test_eq(y.shape, [
= DynamicUnet(m, 5, (128,128), norm_type=None)
tst = torch.randn(2, 3, 127, 128)
x = tst(x) y