Tracking callbacks

Callbacks that make decisions depending how a monitored metric/loss behaves



 TerminateOnNaNCallback (after_create=None, before_fit=None,
                         before_epoch=None, before_train=None,
                         before_batch=None, after_pred=None,
                         after_loss=None, before_backward=None,
                         after_cancel_backward=None, after_backward=None,
                         before_step=None, after_cancel_step=None,
                         after_step=None, after_cancel_batch=None,
                         after_batch=None, after_cancel_train=None,
                         after_train=None, before_validate=None,
                         after_cancel_validate=None, after_validate=None,
                         after_cancel_epoch=None, after_epoch=None,
                         after_cancel_fit=None, after_fit=None)

A Callback that terminates training if loss is NaN.

learn = synth_learner(), lr=100, cbs=TerminateOnNaNCallback())
epoch train_loss valid_loss time
assert len(learn.recorder.losses) < 10 * len(learn.dls.train)
for l in learn.recorder.losses:
    assert not torch.isinf(l) and not torch.isnan(l)



 TrackerCallback (monitor='valid_loss', comp=None, min_delta=0.0,

A Callback that keeps track of the best value in monitor.

Type Default Details
monitor str valid_loss value (usually loss or metric) being monitored.
comp NoneType None numpy comparison operator; np.less if monitor is loss, np.greater if monitor is metric.
min_delta float 0.0 minimum delta between the last monitor value and the best monitor value.
reset_on_fit bool True before model fitting, reset value being monitored to -infinity (if monitor is metric) or +infinity (if monitor is loss).

When implementing a Callback that has behavior that depends on the best value of a metric or loss, subclass this Callback and use its best (for best value so far) and new_best (there was a new best value this epoch) attributes. If you want to maintain best over subsequent calls to fit (e.g., Learner.fit_one_cycle), set reset_on_fit = True.

comp is the comparison operator used to determine if a value is best than another (defaults to np.less if ‘loss’ is in the name passed in monitor, np.greater otherwise) and min_delta is an optional float that requires a new value to go over the current best (depending on comp) by at least that amount.



 EarlyStoppingCallback (monitor='valid_loss', comp=None, min_delta=0.0,
                        patience=1, reset_on_fit=True)

A TrackerCallback that terminates training when monitored quantity stops improving.

Type Default Details
monitor str valid_loss value (usually loss or metric) being monitored.
comp NoneType None numpy comparison operator; np.less if monitor is loss, np.greater if monitor is metric.
min_delta float 0.0 minimum delta between the last monitor value and the best monitor value.
patience int 1 number of epochs to wait when training has not improved model.
reset_on_fit bool True before model fitting, reset value being monitored to -infinity (if monitor is metric) or +infinity (if monitor is loss).

comp is the comparison operator used to determine if a value is best than another (defaults to np.less if ‘loss’ is in the name passed in monitor, np.greater otherwise) and min_delta is an optional float that requires a new value to go over the current best (depending on comp) by at least that amount. patience is the number of epochs you’re willing to wait without improvement.

learn = synth_learner(n_trn=2, metrics=F.mse_loss), lr=1e-7, cbs=EarlyStoppingCallback(monitor='mse_loss', min_delta=0.1, patience=2))
epoch train_loss valid_loss mse_loss time
0 20.437918 26.406773 26.406773 00:00
1 20.418514 26.406715 26.406715 00:00
2 20.410892 26.406639 26.406639 00:00
No improvement since epoch 0: early stopping
(#2) [26.406639099121094,26.406639099121094]
learn = synth_learner(n_trn=2), lr=1e-7, cbs=EarlyStoppingCallback(monitor='valid_loss', min_delta=0.1, patience=2))
epoch train_loss valid_loss time
0 13.408870 19.617222 00:00
1 13.403553 19.617184 00:00
2 13.403143 19.617126 00:00
No improvement since epoch 0: early stopping



 SaveModelCallback (monitor='valid_loss', comp=None, min_delta=0.0,
                    fname='model', every_epoch=False, at_end=False,
                    with_opt=False, reset_on_fit=True)

A TrackerCallback that saves the model’s best during training and loads it at the end.

Type Default Details
monitor str valid_loss value (usually loss or metric) being monitored.
comp NoneType None numpy comparison operator; np.less if monitor is loss, np.greater if monitor is metric.
min_delta float 0.0 minimum delta between the last monitor value and the best monitor value.
fname str model model name to be used when saving model.
every_epoch bool False if true, save model after every epoch; else save only when model is better than existing best.
at_end bool False if true, save model when training ends; else load best model if there is only one saved model.
with_opt bool False if true, save optimizer state (if any available) when saving model.
reset_on_fit bool True before model fitting, reset value being monitored to -infinity (if monitor is metric) or +infinity (if monitor is loss).

comp is the comparison operator used to determine if a value is best than another (defaults to np.less if ‘loss’ is in the name passed in monitor, np.greater otherwise) and min_delta is an optional float that requires a new value to go over the current best (depending on comp) by at least that amount. Model will be saved in learn.path/learn.model_dir/name.pth, maybe every_epoch if True, every nth epoch if an integer is passed to every_epoch or at each improvement of the monitored quantity.

learn = synth_learner(n_trn=2, path=Path.cwd()/'tmp'), cbs=SaveModelCallback())
assert (Path.cwd()/'tmp/models/model.pth').exists()
learn = synth_learner(n_trn=2, path=Path.cwd()/'tmp'), cbs=SaveModelCallback(fname='end',at_end=True))
assert (Path.cwd()/'tmp/models/end.pth').exists(), cbs=SaveModelCallback(every_epoch=True))
for i in range(2): assert (Path.cwd()/f'tmp/models/model_{i}.pth').exists()
shutil.rmtree(Path.cwd()/'tmp'), cbs=SaveModelCallback(every_epoch=2))
for i in range(4): 
    if not i%2: assert (Path.cwd()/f'tmp/models/model_{i}.pth').exists()
    else:       assert not (Path.cwd()/f'tmp/models/model_{i}.pth').exists()
epoch train_loss valid_loss time
0 19.453270 12.539286 00:00
1 19.248507 12.123456 00:00
Better model found at epoch 0 with valid_loss value: 12.539285659790039.
Better model found at epoch 1 with valid_loss value: 12.123456001281738.
epoch train_loss valid_loss time
0 5.197007 5.579152 00:00
1 5.154862 5.445522 00:00
Better model found at epoch 0 with valid_loss value: 5.5791521072387695.
Better model found at epoch 1 with valid_loss value: 5.445522308349609.
epoch train_loss valid_loss time
0 4.982775 5.264440 00:00
1 4.887252 5.038480 00:00
epoch train_loss valid_loss time
0 4.578584 4.781651 00:00
1 4.454868 4.507101 00:00
2 4.322047 4.232390 00:00
3 4.186467 3.957614 00:00




 ReduceLROnPlateau (monitor='valid_loss', comp=None, min_delta=0.0,
                    patience=1, factor=10.0, min_lr=0, reset_on_fit=True)

A TrackerCallback that reduces learning rate when a metric has stopped improving.

Type Default Details
monitor str valid_loss value (usually loss or metric) being monitored.
comp NoneType None numpy comparison operator; np.less if monitor is loss, np.greater if monitor is metric.
min_delta float 0.0 minimum delta between the last monitor value and the best monitor value.
patience int 1 number of epochs to wait when training has not improved model.
factor float 10.0 the denominator to divide the learning rate by, when reducing the learning rate.
min_lr int 0 the minimum learning rate allowed; learning rate cannot be reduced below this minimum.
reset_on_fit bool True before model fitting, reset value being monitored to -infinity (if monitor is metric) or +infinity (if monitor is loss).
learn = synth_learner(n_trn=2), lr=1e-7, cbs=ReduceLROnPlateau(monitor='valid_loss', min_delta=0.1, patience=2))
epoch train_loss valid_loss time
0 6.122743 7.348515 00:00
1 6.119377 7.348499 00:00
2 6.125790 7.348477 00:00
3 6.131386 7.348475 00:00
Epoch 2: reducing lr to 1e-08
learn = synth_learner(n_trn=2), lr=5e-8, cbs=ReduceLROnPlateau(monitor='valid_loss', min_delta=0.1, patience=2, min_lr=1e-8))
epoch train_loss valid_loss time
0 16.747515 15.265999 00:00
1 16.725756 15.265974 00:00
2 16.735016 15.265943 00:00
3 16.733360 15.265934 00:00
4 16.733513 15.265925 00:00
5 16.730352 15.265915 00:00
Epoch 2: reducing lr to 1e-08

Each of these three derived TrackerCallbacks (SaveModelCallback, ReduceLROnPlateu, and EarlyStoppingCallback) all have an adjusted order so they can each run with each other without interference. That order is as follows:


in parenthesis is the actual Callback order number

  1. TrackerCallback (60)
  2. SaveModelCallback (61)
  3. ReduceLrOnPlateu (62)
  4. EarlyStoppingCallback (63)